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SKUNK har tre platser på en spännande träningskurs den 12-20 mars. Baltic Mix: role of media and diversity in youth work I Kosovo Kursen arrangeras av vår partner, den svenska organisationen More Mosaic och finansieras med Ersamus+ medel vilket innebär att du har resa, mat, boende och kurs betald. Sista anmälningsdag är redan 3 feb För att delta ska du vara 20 år Om projektet "Balkan Baltic Mix: role of media and diversity in youth work" is a 7-day training course for 34 youth workers in Prishtina (Kosovo). It will include partners from 11 EU Programme and Partners countries coordinated by NGO More Mosaic (Sweden). The project is implemented in cooperation with Esti People to People, Estonia, the local organisation Center for Economic and Social Development (CESD) supported by ILIRIA College as a special Department for non-formal education. The training’s main aims are to: - equip participants with knowledge about the role and functions of media in our lives and in youth work; - improve participants’ level of competence in the field of media literacy; - equip participants with media-tools for self-expression and democratic participation; - promote mobility and capacity building as well as European citizenship’s values. Här en länk med mer information |
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Februari 2025